FutureSkills4Trainers project

We invite you to join the
Training concept for trainers in dual education
that will address the challenge of dual education
(beginning of 2024)
Project description
The importance of dual education for a smooth transition from education to work and the economic relevance of skilled crafts and trade professions are widely recognised at political level. Yet, SMEs find it more and more difficult to get suitable apprentices. Today, an increased number of apprentices makes part of marginalised groups, such as school dropouts, refugees and youngsters with learning disabilities.
Future Skills4Trainers is a Erasmus+ cooperation partnership project with the objective of developing a blended learning course for in-company tutors and trainers enabling them to cope with those challengesThe purpose of this blended learning course is to offer in-company tutors and VET trainers in dual education the opportunity to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and competences to successfully address, motivate and accompany apprentices from highly diversified backgrounds in the course of their apprenticeships. So marginalised youngsters are given the chance to accomplish their apprenticeships successfully and training companies the possibility, to benefit from the qualified apprentices they trained.Those challenges need to be especially faced by the in-company tutors who on the one hand, need to act as ambassadors for apprenticeship, promoting it in order to attract new apprentices for the organisations they work in. On the other hand, they need to learn how to deal successfully with and give appropriate support to special target groups with their special needs. Accordingly, the purpose of this project is to propose qualification modules for in-company tutors/ trainers to close those skills gaps.