Main outputs
Development of a curriculum and the learning content for the following 7 training modules:
Module 1: Successfully approaching trainees for and during training
Module 2: How to integrate migrants into and through training
Module 3: How to successfully deal with college and school dropouts
Module 4: Supporting trainees through a holistic organization of the learning process
Module 5: Advancing digital skills for trainers
Module 6: Assessment and evaluation of learning processes
Module 7: Design research for dual education: introduction to practical methods and techniques
Execution of first trainings in all participating countries (pilot trainings to test the appropriateness/ suitability of the Blended learning course).
Evaluation of the blended learning training course by training participants (during/ after the pilot training) and checking the level of learning transfer in practice (at job fairs before/ after the pilot trainings).
Dissemination of the training modules nation-wide in all project partner countries (online).

Development of a curriculum and the learning content for the planned training modules
Tasked with developing a new Blended Learning Course all project partners met in November 2022 in Ljubljana, Slovenia to kick-off the project and jointly set up the next steps.
The idea for the course evolved during the DuALPlus project - a project funded by the EU Alpine Space Programme in which several partners involved in FutureSkills4Trainers already cooperated. Within the framework of this earlier project, a need for further training of trainers was identified in areas such as integration of migrants, dealing with underperforming trainees, school and university dropouts, motivational feedback, use of digital media, attraction of young people for dual education and scientific methodology in trainings. Based on these findings, soon after the kick-off for FutureSkills4Trainers a needs analysis was conducted to check whether the prior finding still cover all relevant challenges and skills needs for VET trainers and in-company tutors and identify any additional content which could be added to the curriculum.
To this end, the partners conducted interviews with training companies in their countries and a very comprehensive report was created detailing the findings, including conclusions for the development of the blended learning curriculum. This work resulted in the concept of a course to be composed of the six modules defined in the training concept developed in the framework of the DuAlPlus project and an additional module on scientific methods and techniques (design research) in dual education, available in four languages: English, German, Italian and Slovenian.
To deliver a blended learning training course to in-company tutors and VET trainers, an online learning platform was needed which would be accepted by the target group and into which the training content produced could be integrated and made easily accessible as part of the pilot trainings. Additionally, the production of learning material e.g. handouts, videos and other media was needed to replace trainings in presence and facilitate the flexible blended learning approach.
Following an analysis and comparison of different options, Moodle was chosen as the platform to be used during the project. Over several months, a wide range of learning materials from videos to slides and worksheets were developed to bring the course concepts to life. While the decision on which media to choose for the different modules was based on their learning content, attention was paid to all being visually appealing and divers in order to create a pleasant learning experience.
With the currcicula and materials ready to be tested, the project entered the next stage: Implementing the pilot trainings.
The needs analysis, the curricula and the learning materials can be found on the Erasmus+ Project Result Platform after project closure and assessment.
Execution of first pilot training in all participating countries
Once the curricula were drafted and the course with the different learning materials were developed, they could finally be tested by the first members of the target group of in-company trainer and VET tutors.
All partners reached out via their networks to inform about the pilot training and recruit interested in-company trainers and VET tutors. Not only mailings were sent out, information placed in newsletters, and social media posts and websites published, but we also sought the direct contact with trainers at trainings centres to win them as participants. These activities were successful and a total of xx participants were recruited.
Starting with pilot training of Module 1 in Italy in November 2023, five other modules were piloted between January and March 2024.
More information about the pilot trainings can be found on the Erasmus+ Project Result Platform after project closure and assessment.
Evaluation of the blended learning training course
The project partner NDU has vast expertise in empirical methods and was therefore the ideal partner to lead the work package focusing on evaluation. They were responsible for coordinating all evaluation activities and providing the partners with guidelines of the observation and documentation, the surveys as well as of the focus group discussion in each partner country. A well-designed evaluation was crucial for ensuring that the final blended learning course really met the needs of the in-company tutors and VET trainers and that they acquire the planned skills and competences.
To reach this aim an overall strategy plan was drafted that included evaluation forms as well as a procedure for the focus group and the evaluation activities. As joint methodology, which should be adapted by the partners to the needs of their modules, NDU suggested two questionnaires, one before and one in the middle or after the module, as well as a closing focus group discussion within or after the last module course.
All partners were responsible for accompanying the implementation of the advanced training modules by observation and documentation, disseminate and evaluate the surveys among the training participants, do the conclusive focus group discussion and write an evaluation summary on the main results and recommendations. NDU integrated the evaluation results of all partner regions in one synthesis report and on that basis provide suggestions for further improvement of curriculum and learning materials. Additionally, in-depth interviews with training companies and their in-company tutors regarding the blended learning course were conducted.
The seven modules differ not only because of their focus, but also because of certain framework conditions and industries for which they could be especially of interest. Therefore, it was important and necessary for the development of the curriculum to consider and revise the modules in their specificity. The individual revision recommendations in the report proved to be very helpful.
Based on these comprehensive findings, all partners updated their curricula and materials were needed to best suit the professional requirements of the target audience.
The evaluation report as well as accompanying materials can be found on the Erasmus+ Project Result Platform after project closure and assessment.
Final event
On October 23, 2024 the time had come to present the project and the new blended learning course to both interested stakeholders and the wider public at the final project event, held hybrid at the Chamber of Skilled Crafts in Munich. SMEs, companies, trainers and vocational schools, among others, were contacted and invited via the partners' networks.
The intention of the event was to launch the implementation of the blended learning training course within the partners' training portfolios and promote it to the target group and other VET stakeholder, interested in transferring the training course to their institutions. 71 stakeholders participated online ad in-person.
Representatives from the Bavarian State Ministry for Education and Bavarian State Ministry of Economic affairs as well as leadership of the Chamber of Skilled Crafts in Munich participated in a panel discussion at the event, placing the topic in a wider social context and extending the reach of the project. The representatives shared insights into the perspectives from the vocational schools sector, Craft Chambers and training companies. The centerpiece of the programme of the final event was an interactive learning forum with all seven course modules, where project partners presented the content to individual groups of participants. This provided ample opportunity to engage in direct exchange and discussions with trainers and companies/SMEs. Furthermore, participants of the pilot training shared their insight in person and via video messages into their day-to-day challenges as trainers and give their views of the need for such courses. The program ended with a reception to further discuss and network.